Who We Are

Red Wolf Imports: Built on Tradition. Not Constrained by It.

Our portfolio is drawn from regions that we like to call “underrepresented.” In other words, wines and spirits that deserve to be a lot more popular than they already are. These regions offer honest wines that offer not only incredible value, but are also mindful of contemporary accountability, leaders in sustainable wine and spirits production.

The most exciting wines that punch well above their price points are found in these regions. They are made by winemakers and distillers who are artisans and alchemists, guided by the principles of the past and the possibilities of the future. Each bottle captures the essence of tradition while embracing the promise of the new. Our mission is to share not only these bottles, but their stories, their past, their present, and their future with you.

Meet The Team

ALYSSA WOLF – Owner, Founder
WSET Level 3
Alyssa’s passion for the beverage industry goes beyond sharing amazing wine and spirits with US wine drinkers. As a lifelong New York Jets fan she loves rooting for the underdog. Red Wolf Imports gives her the opportunity to support small businesses around the world: whether helping wineries and distilleries gain access to the US market, or independent distributor partners to expand their portfolios, or providing small wine shops and restaurants unique sustainably made wines and spirits to share with the customers.

Alyssa also doesn’t hate the fact that Red Wolf gives her the excuse to travel and experience a behind-the-scenes look at vineyards around the world.

Outside of Red Wolf Alyssa’s passions include cooking, snowboarding, making her husband go hiking, and taking too many photos of her cats.

IAN WOLF- Principal
Ian is a behind-the-scenes kinda guy so his role at Red Wolf suits him perfectly.

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Red Wolf Imports: Built on Tradition. Not Constrained by It.